Employer info
Tertiary to Work (TTW) is unique to Canberra and the national graduate career fair calendar. It brings together students of Canberra’s major tertiary institutions - the Australian National University, Australian Catholic University and the University of Canberra - for an event organised and hosted by the Career Services of the participating universities. TTW has a strong history, having successfully run in this collaborative format for nearly 20 years.
The participating universities offer a diverse range of degree programs, ranging from Health and Education, through to Business, Government, Law, Policy, Technology and a variety of Arts and Design. The collaborative nature of TTW enables employers to meet a wide range of students and promote their organisation effectively, all at the one event.
Tertiary to Work will be held in person next year, across all three campuses during March and April 2022. ANU and UC will be consecutive events, and Tertiary to Work at ACU will be held in April.
University of Canberra (UC)- Wednesday 16th March
Australian National University (ANU)- Thursday 17th March
Australian Catholic University (ACU)- Thursday 28th April.
We are pleased to invite you to attend our event to promote your company’s graduate programs and vacancies including vacation work, cadetships and scholarship opportunities to Canberra’s students and recent graduates. Tertiary to Work is a wonderful opportunity for you to raise your organisation’s profile as a leading employer of students and graduates exclusively to ANU, UC and ACU students. Further information about the course offerings at each university contact the Tertiary to Work committee, or visit the programs and courses page at each universities website.
Registration price for UC - Wednesday 16th March and ANU- Thursday 17th March events - $1320.00 ( Includes both events)
Registration price for the ACU event- Thursday 28th April
Employer Inclusions- ANU and UC
Exhibitor booth- includes 2.4m high Maxima steel coloured Velcro compatible walling, 4 amp double power point, lighting, clothed 1.8m trestle and fascia signage. Please note: All Exhibitors are required to complete the Standard Fascia Signage form.
Organisation link on Tertiary to Work website.
Promotion of your organisation's presence at Tertiary to Work, including: via FB and Linkedin, CareerHub, Student Societies and faculty/college areas. This includes an 'all student email' promoting the Tertiary to Work event, mentioning the employers attending.
Sponsorship opportunities for 2022 are now available.
Sponsoring Tertiary to Work will leverage your brand and give you exclusive access to ANU, UC and ACU students, so if you’re interested, we can send you more information and some of the associated benefits. Major sponsors will have access to high- calibre student CV's pre-event, and have the option to set-up one on one or small group meetings with students of your choice. Prominent booth position on the home page, choose your webinar time, large home page banners on the platform, alerts for students throughout the event to encourage attendance at your booth and webinar sessions. If you would like to know more you can view the 2022 sponsorship proposal package via the button below.
We look forward to meeting you and assisting you with your recruitment needs in 2022.